Own Your Mornings, Transform Your Life✌ I'm not a morning person. In fact, I've always enjoyed staying up late, savoring the quietness of the night. But when I recently read The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma , I realized I could really elevate my productivity and life in general by owning my mornings. In the book, Robin Sharma shares his original insights and battle-tested tools he's developed by working with the most successful people on the planet. One key insight is that winning starts at the beginning of the day. I couldn’t help but wonder, what would happen if I joined this 5 AM club? So, I decided, why not? I committed to waking up at 5 AM, and let me tell you, a lot of good things happened. Keep reading to find out more. What Happened When I Woke at 5 AM I started this experiment for 21 days initially. You may ask, why 21 days? Well, according to the 5 AM challenge , it takes about 21 days to begin forming a habit. I wanted...