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Showing posts with the label tips to cope with ghosting

What’s Ghosting? Why it Happens and 7 Tips to Cope with Being Ghosted

  Ghosted? Their silence says more about them than you Image via Unsplash You've been talking to this person.  You’re getting along.  And you feel like he/she could be your perfect match.  Then one day, Poof! He/she is gone.  Your calls and texts go unanswered. And you’re left wondering; What did I do? What did I say? Why did he/she do this to me?  He/she just ghosted you.  But why? Well, there are several reasons why someone can ghost you.  And in this article I’ll help you understand what ghosting is, why it happens and tips to help you navigate the experience. Keep reading! Read Also: The Truth is, You Don’t Need Closure Does Success Guarantee Happiness? 4 Reasons Why Losing a Job Could Be a Good Thing What's Ghosting? Before I give you reasons why someone would just ghost you, let's first understand what ghosting is. Ghosting is when someone suddenly cuts off all communication without any explanation.  It's a way of ending a relationship ...