It's Halfway through 2023: A Series of Things Have Happened in My Life


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last night it dawned on me that we're halfway through 2023.

And it kept me thinking, what have I achieved so far?

It took an hour or so to reflect on how the year's first six months have been.

And I realized I had achieved a few things, had lots of challenges, built personal relationships, and had a shift in my perspective of life. 

I decided to document the things that have happened so that in 2024, a time like this, I will remember where I have come from. Here are a series of things that have happened.

My Achievements and Milestones

At the start of the year, I wrote down my goals for the year. And the most significant ones were as follows:

  • To get a better job

  • Commit to a regular exercise routine and incorporate healthy eating habits

  • Take five online courses

  • Travel to new places

  • Read one personal development book a month

  • Create a monthly budget and track expenses

And when I took time to reflect last night, I noticed my life had taken a different turn. And while I have accomplished some of my goals, I have done many things I didn't plan to. 

Here are some of the things I have accomplished in the first six months of 2023:

  • I changed my career path and ventured into freelance writing

  • Started writing on Medium

  • Started my first blog

  • Started posting on LinkedIn

  • Lost weight - 3kgs down

  • I did three online courses

  • Read one book

So some of the goals I made are different from the ones I accomplished, but I am grateful for the far I have come.

The challenges That Came My Way

As much as I achieved some goals, I had lots of challenges along the way. Here are some challenges I faced:

  • My internship ended in April, so basically, I was jobless till I ventured into freelance writing in May

  • When I couldnt find a better job, I was stressed

  • At some point, I lost the motivation to keep exercising

  • I feared starting as a freelance writer; I felt I wasn't a good writer. I still doubt myself sometimes

  • Had lots of financial emergencies, which made it hard to track my expenses

  • At some point, I was addicted to Facebook and couldn't concentrate on my goals well

  • I had no technical skills to create my blog, so it took me a lot of time to start it up and run - I could have hired someone to create the blog for me, but it would have cost me a lot.

  • I couldn't track my time well, so I didn't make it to read one book a month

  • Couldn't travel to new places due to lack of time

These challenges shaped me into someone better. I am now smarter.

A Newfound Outlook of Life

During the previous years, I just moved through life. I didn't have an idea of what fulfillment is. Let alone what happiness is. I was brought up thinking I had to achieve many things to be a happy person. But half of 2023 has taught me that I have to be happy to accomplish many things.

In the past, I never did anything intentionally.  Did things because I was supposed to do. But now I know I must be intentional in everything I do. I did all things for people and never for me. But now I am doing something because I want to. I am intentional at every point of my life, making me more fulfilled. 

The take-home point is to be happy with yourself first, and many great things will follow.


Reflecting on the first half of 2023, I am grateful for the unexpected turns my life has taken. While some of my goals may have shifted, my journey has been nothing short of transformative.

The challenges and accomplishments of the first half of 2023 have shaped me into a stronger, more resilient individual. With renewed clarity, I look forward to the second half of the year, embracing new opportunities and continuing to prioritize my happiness in all that I do.

Remember, being happy with yourself is the foundation upon which greatness is built, and I am excited to see what the future holds as I walk this intentional path toward a more fulfilling life.

Cheers to a BRIGHT and LIMITLESS future…

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