Resilience in the Storm

 Amidst the tempest's howling song,

Image via Unsplash
A woman's journey is brave and strong.

In the storm's grip, she finds her way,

With courage as her guiding ray.

Raindrops weep from the heavens high,

But she won't let her spirit sigh.

With every step, she's unafraid,

A fire within, her soul portrayed.

Winds may roar and thunder clash,

Yet she remains a beacon's flash.

Her path is hidden, but she'll see,

A road to hope, where hearts roam free.

In the chaos, she's not adrift,

Through life's tempest, her spirit will lift.

With strength and grace, she'll march ahead,

The storm will yield, and she'll be led.

Dark clouds may gather, lightning strike,

But in her heart, a steadfast spike.

She's the woman who braves the night,

Guided by her inner light so bright.
