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Is Karma Real?

 What goes around comes around? Nah, doesn’t always happen that way...

Image via Unsplash
Karma has a way of comforting us with its common phrase "What goes around comes around" especially when life seems unfair or beyond our control. 

But what's karma, really? 

Well, it goes way back to ancient times, finding its roots in the Rig Veda, the oldest collection of Hindu philosophical and religious texts.

Karma started with the Rig Veda around 1500 BCE. In this ancient scripture, the gods revealed the Law of Karma to the Rishis during the Bronze Age. This laid the foundation for the concept we now know.

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But here's the big question: Does karma actually exist, or is it just something we believe in? 

The common thought is that karma acts like a cosmic scale, rewarding good deeds and punishing bad ones. People say your actions have consequences, like a cosmic scoreboard.

However, from my perspective, I see karma as more of a belief than a concrete thing. I am that person who believes that we're in charge of what happens to us, and karma might be more about our thoughts than the universe keeping score. Doing something bad doesn't always mean something bad will happen to you, and that's where doubt creeps in.

For example, think about a guy who cheats on his girlfriend, leading to a breakup. Then he jumps into a new relationship and does great. Sometimes, his new partner might cheat on him. 

But is this really karma at work, or just the result of individual choices and consequences?

The truth might be that most things are just cause and effect, not karma. Life is a mix of choices and outcomes, and we often have more control over them than we think.

But because life can get pretty unpredictable, most people invent karma in their minds. It's like a mental safety net, giving us hope that people who hurt us will get their comeuppance. But life doesn't always follow that script.

So, is karma just a superstition? Well, that's not so clear. Some think that karma is behind the ups and downs in our lives, while others see it as something our minds create. This mix of ideas shows that karma is tied to our deep wish for justice in a world that can feel random and unfair.

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Whether you believe in karma as a real cosmic force or just a human idea, it's something that shapes how we think about right and wrong and the way things happen. 

But the truth is, Karma doesn’t exist. Sometimes bad things happen to really good people and good things happen to bad people. So, it doesn't work that way.


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